职称:教授 博导
2013年7月至2016年8月 山东大学(威海)空间科学与物理学院 讲师
2016年9月至2020年5月 山东大学(威海)空间科学与物理学院 副教授
2008年9月至2013年6月 中国科学院云南天文台 天体物理 博士
2004年9月至2008年6月 山东师范大学 物理学 学士
1. Li, Kai*; Xia, Qi-Qi; Kim, Chun-Hwey; Hu, Shao-Ming; Guo, Di-Fu; Jeong, Min-Ji; Chen, Xu;Gao, Dong-Yang, Two contact binaries with mass ratios close to the minimum mass ratio, 2021, ApJ, 922, 122
2. Zheng, Shu-Yue;Li, Kai*; Xia, Qi-Qi, The first photometric and spectroscopic analysis of the extremely low mass-ratio contact binary NSVS 5029961,2021MNRAS.506.4251Z
3. Li, Kai*, Xia, Qi-Qi, Kim, Chun-Hwey, Gao, Xing, Hu, Shao-Ming, Guo, Di-Fu, Gao, Dong-Yang,Chen, Xu, Guo, Ya-Ni,Photometric study and absolute parameters estimation of six totally eclipsing contact binaries, 2021AJ....162...13L
4. Xia, Qiqi,Michel, Raul,Li, Kai*,Higuera, Jesus, The first photometric investigation and spectroscopic analysis of two contact binaries: ASAS J124343+1531.7 and LINEAR 2323566,2021PASP..133e4202X
5. Yang, Jia-Mei, Wang, Xian-Yu,Li, Kai*, Liu, Yuan, Photometric Follow-up observations and Transit Timing Analysis of HAT-P-37b,2021PASJ...73.1010Y
6. Gao, Xiang, Li, Kai*, Gao, Xing, Liu, Yuan,The first photometric analysis of the totally eclipsing contact binary V811 Cep, 2021RAA....21..193G
7. Li, Yu-Yang;Li, Kai*; Liu, Yuan, The first photometric analysis and period investigation of the K-type W UMa type binary system V0842 Cep,2021RAA....21..122L
8. Li, Kai*; Kim, Chun-Hwey; Xia, Qi-Qi; Michel, Raul; Hu, Shao-Ming; Gao, Xing; Guo, Di-Fu; Chen, Xu The First Light Curve Modeling and Orbital Period Change Investigation of Nine Contact Binaries around the Short-period Cutoff, 2020, AJ, 159, 189
9. Guo, Di-Fu, Li, Kai*, Gao, Xing, Gao, Dong-Yang, Xu,Zhi-Jian, Sun,Guo-You, Liu, Fen, Zhang, Chang-Ming, Searching for eclipsing binaries in the area of RA: 02h21m36s, Dec: +57○11'32″, 2020, MNRAS, 497, 3381
10. Guo, Ya-Ni;Li, Kai*, Xia, Qi-Qi, Gao, Xing, Jiang, Lin-Qiao,Liu, Yuan, The first photometric investigation of the contact binary OQ Cam, 2020, RAA, 20, 179
11. Li, Kai*; Xia, Qi-Qi; Michel, Raul; Hu, Shao-Ming; Guo, Di-Fu; Gao, Xing; Chen, Xu; Gao, Dong-Yang, Contact binaries at the short period cut-off - I. Statistics and the first photometric investigations of 10 totally eclipsing systems, 2019, MNRAS, 485, 4588
12. Li, Kai*; Xia, Qi-Qi; Liu, Jin-Zhong; Zhang, Yu et al. Photometric investigations on two totally eclipsing contact binaries: V342 UMa and V509 Cam, 2019, RAA, 19, 147
13. Li, K.*; Xia, Q.-Q.; Hu, S.-M.; Guo, D.-F.; Chen, X.*, Photometric Study of Two Totally Eclipsing Contact Binaries: V789 Her and V1007 Cas, 2018, PASP, 130, 074201
14. Guo, D. F., Li, K. *, Hu, S. M., Chen, X., The First Photometric and Period Investigation of the Total Eclipse Binary System V0474 Cam, 2018, PASP, 130, 064201
15. Xia, Qi-Qi; Li, Kai*; Chen, Xu; Guo, Di-Fu; Gao, Dong-Yang, The first photometric investigation and period study of two W UMa-type binary systems: EF CVn and EH CVn, 2018, PASJ, 70, 104.
16. Li, Kai*, Photometric study of the eclipsing blue straggler V205 in the globular cluster NGC 5139, 2018, NewA, 59, 60
17. Ma, S.; Li, K.*; Li, Q.-C.; Gao, H.-Y., Photometric study and orbital period analysis of the W UMa type contact binary VZ Psc, 2018, NewA, 59, 1
18. Gao, H.-Y.; Li, K.*; Li, Q.-C.; Ma, S., Photometric study of the contact binary 07g-3-00820 at the period cut off, NewA, 2017, 56, 10
19. Li, Kai*; Hu, Shaoming; Chen, Xu; Guo, Difu, Comprehensive photometric study of an extremely low mass ratio deep contact binary in the globular cluster M 4, PASJ, 2017, 69, 79
20. Li, Kai*; Hu, Shaoming; Zhou, Jilin; Wu, Donghong; Guo, Difu; Jiang, Yunguo; Gao, Dongyang; Chen, Xu; Wang, Xianyu, A possible giant planet orbiting the cataclysmic variable LX Ser, PASJ, 2017, 69, 28
21. Li, K.; Gao, D.-Y.*; Hu, S.-M.*; Guo, D.-F.; Jiang, Y.-G.; Chen, X., The active W UMa type binary star V781 Tau revisited, Ap&SS, 2016, 361, 63
22. Li, K.*; Hu, S.-M.; Guo, D.-F.; Jiang, Y.-G.; Gao, D.-Y.; Chen, X., Photometric Analysis and Period Investigation of the EW Type Eclipsing Binary V441 Lac, JApA, 2016, 37, 16
23. Guo, Di-Fu; Li, Kai*; Hu, Shao-Ming; Jiang, Yun-Guo; Gao, Dong-Yang; Chen, Xu, The highest rate orbital period increasing contact binary LP UMa revisited, NewA, 2016, 44, 29
24. Yang, Yuangui*; Li, Kai; Li, Qun; Dai, Haifeng, Photometric Studies of Two Neglected Eclipsing Binaries AX Cassiopeia and V1107 Cassiopeia with Possibly Additional Companions, PASP, 2016, 128, 4201
25. Hu, Shao Ming; Li, Kai*; Guo, D.-F.; Jiang, Yunguo; Gao, Dongyang; Chen, Xu, Photometric study and period variation investigation of the W UMa-type binary EQ UMa, PASJ, 2015, 67, 1006
26. Guo, D. F.; Li, K.*; Hu, S. M.; Jiang, Y. G.; Gao, D. Y.; Chen, X., Discovery of a Faint Eclipsing Binary GSC 02265-01456, JApA, 2015, 26, 399
27. Li, K.; Hu, S.-M.; Guo, D.-F.; Jiang, Y.-G.; Gao, Y.-G.; Chen, X.; Odell, Andrew P., The Active Contact Binary Ty UMa Revisited: is It a Quadruple Star?, AJ, 2015, 149, 120
28. Guo, Di-Fu; Li, Kai*; Hu, Shao-Ming; Jiang, Yun-Guo; Gao, Dong-Yang; Chen, Xu, Discovery of a deep, low mass ratio overcontact binary GSC 03517–00663, RAA, 2015, 15, 889
29. Li, Kai; Hu, Shaoming; Guo, Difu; Jiang, Yunguo; Gao, Dongyang; Chen, Xu, Four color light curves and period changes investigation of the contact binary BX Peg, NewA, 2015, 41, 17
30. Li, Kai; Hu, S.-M.; Guo, D.-F.; Jiang, Y.-G.; Gao, D.-Y.; Chen, X., The First Photometric Analysis of the near Contact Binary IR Cas, AJ, 2014, 148, 96
31. Guo, D.-F., Li, K.*, Hu, S.-M., Jiang, Y.-G., Gao, D.-Y., Chen, X., Discovery of a W UMa type binary GSC 03553-00845, PASJ, 2014, 66, 100
32. Li, K., Hu, S.-M., Guo, D.-F., Jiang, Y.-G., Gao, D.-Y., Chen, X., The first photometric analysis and period investigation of the W UMa type binary system V1139 Cas, NewA, 34, 217, 2015
33. Li K., Qian S.-B., Hu, S.-M., He, J.-J., The triply binary star EQ Tau with an active component, AJ, 147, 98, 2014
34. Li K., Hu S.-M., Jiang Y.-G., Chen X., Ren D.-Y., Period variation and four color light curves investigation of AB And, NewA, 30, 64, 2014
35. Qian, S.-B., Liu, N.-P., Li, K., He, J.-J., Zhu, L.-Y., Zhao, E. G., Wang, J.-J.; Li, L.-J., Jiang, L.-Q., BI Vulpeculae: A Siamese Twin with Two Very Similar Cool Stars in Shallow Contact, ApJS, 209, 13, 2013
36. Li K., Qian S.-B., Two contact binaries at different evolutionary stages in the globular cluster NGC 6397, NewA, 25, 12 , 2013
37. Li K., Qian S.-B., Two unusual contact binaries in the globular cluster M54, NewA, 22, 57 , 2013
38. Li K., Qian S.-B., Multiple color light curves and period changes investigation of the contact binary HV Aqr, NewA, 21, 46 , 2013
39. Li K., Qian S.-B., Two particular EA-type binaries in the globular cluster ω Centauri, RAA, 13, 827 , 2013
40. Li K., Qian S.-B., An Eclipsing Blue Straggler in the Globular Cluster ω Centauri, AJ, 144, 161 , 2012
41. Li K., Qian S.-B., Leung, K.-C., Detection of a Second-generation Binary in the Globular Cluster ω Centauri, ApJ, 755, 83 , 2012
42. Qian, S.-B., Li, K., Liao, W.-P., Liu, L., Zhu, L.-Y., He, J.-J., Wang, J.-J., Zhao, E.-G., The First Photometric Investigation of the Neglected W-UMa-type Binary Star UZ CMi, AJ, 145, 91 , 2013
43. Liao, W.-P., Qian, S.-B., Li, K., He, J.-J., Zhao, E.-G., Zhou, X., The Multi-color Light Curves of the W UMa type Contact Binary EP Andromedae, AJ, 146, 79 , 2013
44. Wang, J.-J., Qian, S.-B., Zhao, E.-G., Zhu, L.-Y., Liao, W.-P., Li, K., Zhang, J., Liu, L., Li, L.-J., New Photometric Investigation of the G-Type Contact Binary GSC 0763-0572, PASJ, 64, 83 , 2012
45. Qian, S.-B., Zhang, J., Zhu, L.-Y., Liu, L., Liao, W.-P., Zhao, E.-G., He, J.-J., Li, L.-J., Li, K., Dai, Z.-B., Optical flares and flaring oscillations on the M-type eclipsing binary CU Cancri, MNRAS, 423, 3646 , 2012
46. Qian, S.-B., Liu, L., Liao, W.-P., Li, L.-J., Zhu, L.-Y., Dai, Z.-B., He, J.-J., Zhao, E.-G., Zhang, J., Li, K., Detection of a planetary system orbiting the eclipsing polar HU Aqr, MNRAS, 414, 16, 2011
47. Li K., Qian S.-B., Preliminary investigation of period changes of five RR Lyrae stars in the Globular Cluster M15, ASP Conference Series, 451, 351, 2011
48. Li K., Qian S.-B., Leung, K.-C., Preliminary Photometric Solutions of Two EA Type Binaries in ω Centauri, ASP Conference Series, 451, 63, 2011
49. Leung, K.-C., Qian, S.-B., Li, K., Age - Metal Index Calibration Using Eclipsing Binary Stars in Globular Clusters, ASP Conference Series, 451, 297, 2011
50. Zhu, L., Qian, S., Liu, L., Liao, W. P., He, J. J., Li, L. J., Zhao, E. G., Dai, Z. B., Zhang, J., Li, K., A Preliminary Photometric Study of the HW Vir-like Binary NSVS14256825, ASP Conference Series, 451, 155, 2011
51. Qian, S., Zhu, L., Liao, W., Liu, L., Li, L., He, J., Zhao, E., Dai, Z., Zhang, J., Li, K., Wang, J., Understanding the Evolution and Outbursts of Cataclysmic Variables Based on Photometric Observations, ASP Conference Series, 451, 95, 2011