石米杰,副教授,硕导。从事太阳大气磁流体波的数值模拟和理论研究工作,在日冕磁流体波的物理特性、加热效应、观测表征等方面取得了一系列创新成果。在中科院Top期刊ApJL, ApJ, A&A发表第一作者SCI论文11篇;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项、青年基金一项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目并负责研究子任务一项; 2021年获首届山东大学“优秀博士后”称号;2019年获全国博士后国际交流项目资助全职在比利时鲁汶大学工作两年。
国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 12273019, 用于推测广域日冕磁场的扭曲模行波冕震学方法可靠性研究, 2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 55万元, 在研, 主持
国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 41904150, 耀斑环中腊肠模对多波段辐射的调制, 2020-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 27万元, 结题, 主持
国家自然科学基金委员会, 重点项目, 42230203, 日冕加热过程中的精细结构及其活动研究, 2023- 01-01 至 2027-12-31, 271万元, 在研, 参与(负责研究子任务一项)
国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 42274227, 基于内掩式日冕仪的散射光实时监测及修正研究, 2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 56万元, 在研, 参与
国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 41974200, 非轴对称日冕磁结构中的磁流体集体模式及其冕震学应用, 2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31, 63万元, 结题, 参与
中国科学院太阳活动重点实验室, 开放课题, KLSA201908, 耀斑环中腊肠模对回旋同步辐射的调制, 2019-01 至 2020-12, 4万元, 结题, 主持
Mijie Shi; Bo Li; Shaoxia Chen; Hui Yu; Mingzhe Guo; Damped kink motions in a system of two solar coronal tubes with elliptic cross sections, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2024, 686(A2)
Mijie Shi*; Bo Li; Shengju Yuan; Horizontally polarized kink oscillations supported by solar coronal loops in an asymmetric environment, Astronomy Astrophysics, 2024, 684(A154)
Mijie Shi*; Bo Li; Shao-Xia Chen; Mingzhe Guo; Shengju Yuan; Excitation of Multiperiodic Kink Motions in Solar Flare Loops: Possible Application to Quasiperiodic Pulsations, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2023, 943(L19)
Mijie Shi*; Bo Li; Mingzhe Guo; Influence of Fine Structures on Gyrosynchrotron Emission of Flare Loops Modulated by Sausage Modes, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2022, 937(2): L25
Shi Mijie*; Van Doorsselaere Tom; Guo Mingzhe; Karampelas Konstantinos; Li Bo; Antolin Patrick; The First 3D Coronal Loop Model Heated by MHD Waves against Radiative Losses, The Astrophysical Journal, 2021, 908(233)
Shi Mijie*; Van Doorsselaere Tom; Antolin Patrick; Li Bo; Forward Modeling of Simulated Transverse Oscillations in Coronal Loops and the Influence of Background Emission, The Astrophysical Journal, 2021, 922(60)
Shi Mijie*; Li Bo; Huang Zhenghua; Chen Shao-Xia; Synthetic Extreme-ultraviolet Emissions Modulated by Leaky Fast Sausage Modes in Solar Active Region Loops, The Astrophysical Journal, 2019, 883(196)
Shi Mijie; Li Bo; Huang Zhenghua; Chen Shao-Xia; Synthetic Emissions of the Fe XXI 1354 A Line from Flare Loops Experiencing Fundamental Fast Sausage Oscillations, The Astrophysical Journal, 2019, 874(87)
Shi Mijie; Li Bo; Van Doorsselaere Tom; Chen Shao-Xia; Huang Zhenghua; Non-equilibrium Ionization Effects on Extreme-ultraviolet Emissions Modulated by Standing Sausage Modes in Coronal Loops, The Astrophysical Journal, 2019, 870(99)
Mijie Shi; Hui Li; Chijie Xiao; Xiaogang Wang; The parametric decay instability of Alfven waves in turbulent plasmas and the applications in the solar wind, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 842(63)
M. J. Shi; C. J. Xiao; Q. S. Li; H. G. Wang; X. G. Wang; H. Li; Observations of Alfven and slow waves in the solar wind near 1 AU, The Astrophysical Journal, 2015, 815(122)